How to Live on a Sailboat with Dogs

By Michelle Segrest — How to Get Your Sea Legs

Living on a boat with a dog requires patient potty training, careful provisioning, and months of preparation. This article provides many details, but you can follow this link for more information about how to live full-time on a sailboat.

Making the switch from living on land to living at sea can be a slow and uneasy transition. Adding two energetic 18-month-old beagles to the mix complicates the task even further. And while the settling in process continued throughout our one-year voyage sailing around the world, the first few weeks onboard were critical for our transition.

I actually think the process was easier for the canines than for the humans. I am convinced now more than ever that dogs just want to be with their humans—it doesn’t really matter where. Cap’n Jack and Scout sniffed every corner of our 43-foot sailing vessel Seefalke and then looked up at us and it was as if they shrugged their shoulders and said, “I guess we live here now.” Then they curled up on the settee and settled into their new floating home.

The challenges—in particular with potty training onboard—had only begun. These journal entries from my logbook describe some of the ways we learned how to live on a sailboat with dogs.

Learning to Live on a Boat

Monday, August 6, 2018

It took planes, trains and automobiles to get two beagles and one human from Gulf Shores, Alabama, USA to Stralsund, Germany.

After nine hours of driving to Atlanta, three hours in customs, another nine hours in the air, then six hours in Frankfort, Germany customs, a few days of rest in Nidderau and then an eight-hour train ride to Stralsund, Cap’n Jack, Scout and I made it safely to Seefalke and settled in.

With all the many upgrade projects in process, we were basically living in a construction zone. We made a little progress every day. Cap'n Jack and Scout were loving all the new smells and new scenery. We had a very private mooring, near the mechanics' shop. There was not a lot of traffic or people so we had complete privacy. It was perfect for the dogs because they could be unleashed to run and play and explore. 

Our captain went to Köln for a week of work, so I worked on organizing the boat compartments and also did real work all day long (the mechanics were not there). As an independent journalist, I had six articles to complete for clients before we set sail. The original departure date was August 1, 2018, but of course we had already missed that date. Now we were looking at least a couple more weeks.

I used the deck shower and it was AWESOME!  We purchased the ADVANCED ELEMENTS 5 Gallon Summer Shower/Solar Shower. This is really cool! You can fill it with up to 10 liters of water and just hang it on the boat somewhere in the sun. We attached ours to the main mast. The sun heats the water, and it has a little shower nozzle for convenience. This is not only great for sailors. I think campers and hikers would also love this! 

I loaded it with four liters of water and decided I would also try to wash a few items of clothing while I was at it. I’m the ultimate multi-tasker! I wore some clothes while showering (I'm still a little modest about nudity), and had a small bucket below me to catch the water and soap that came off of me. It was a bright sunny day with a cool breeze, so it was perfect for an outdoor shower. I don't know if I got all the conditioner out of my hair, but I used half of the water and was able to wash and condition my hair, wash my body, shave my legs, and wash eight items of clothing while only using a little more than half of the water in the bag!  Amazing!

I felt so CLEAN and ACCOMPLISHED!  It's official....I LIVE on this sailboat!!  

Living on a Boat Requires a Little Work and a Lot of Construction

Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018

I needed to get out of the construction zone for a while, so I packed my laptop, took the pups on a long walk, and then settled in at one of my favorite outdoor cafes in Stralsund, The Flipper. This place is completely dog friendly with a view of the marina.

They immediately brought the dogs a bowl of water and also a treat—a couple of small little fish that they said were fine for dogs. She told me what they were, but I couldn't understand the German. Cap'n Jack and Scout gobbled them up quickly and then sat there calmly for about two hours while I worked. 

When I returned to Seefalke, the mechanics had just finished installing the new wind indicator and were finishing for the day. They also worked on the water tank and got it cleaned out and disinfected.

A Rainy Day is Never Wasted When You Live on a Boat

Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018

It was a rainy day in Stralsund, but I took advantage of the free water. I filled two jugs with rainwater, gave two stinky Seadogs a bath, and washed a few more clothes. I'm really getting the hang of this sustainability living. I find it liberating. I also took advantage of a day without mechanics onboard and got a ton of work accomplished for my clients

Watch the video about first aid for dogs who sail

Scout's Popeye & The Potty Experiment Begins

Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018

When I awoke this morning, I noticed that Scout's left eye was swollen shut. She was squinting and blinking and seemed to be uncomfortable, perhaps in pain. Fortunately, we had recently completed our FIRST AID FOR DOGS AT SEA video, so I referred to it and discovered that our Doggie First Aid kit included some antibiotic eye drops.

I texted our vet, and fortunately the time change was favorable for her. She confirmed this is what I needed to give her. It cleared up completely the very next day. I think she got some dirt or other debris in her eye and this caused the irritation. 

Also, on this day, we started the Great Potty Experiment. The time had come to begin the onboard potty training for the Seadogs. We set out a mat that looks and feels like grass, but the pups were not convinced. Granted, we made a huge mistake by laying this out on the pier and letting them nap on it for a while.

A friend on Instagram suggested we place a "scent" on it. So, I took the dogs for a walk and got a sample. I placed the mat onboard and the sample on the mat. Cap'n Jack immediately sniffed the sample, then peed on the mat. I thought to myself, this is going to be EASY!  Stay tuned . . .  

Check out this article for all the essentials you need for sailing with dogs.

Provisioning for a Life Onboard a Sailboat

Friday, Aug. 10, 2018

The captain made it back home from his work trip, and went straight to work. While the mechanics were busy, busy, busy, we got a rental car and headed out for provisions. We unloaded three car loads. Then the fun began for me. It was my job to figure out the Rubik's Cube and decide where to store everything.

When living on a sailboat, it’s important to organize all the provisions and supplies in a way that makes sense and also allows for maximum space. I must admit, I enjoyed this task. It’s the ultimate challenge for the ultimate organizer! 

As we were putting things away, we were also logging everything in a cool mobile app called Prep & Pantry. This allowed us to scan the bar code of each item, take a photo, record the expiration date, and also indicate in which locker it was stored. We can now run shopping lists (if we keep up with things as we use them) that will tell us what we need to replenish when we stop at ports along the way. We can also run a filter of "expiration date" that tells us what food is about to expire so nothing is wasted. 

As we have learned to live onboard, here are the 10 items you REALLY need to live full-time on a sailboat!

Day 2 of the Potty Experiment was a total bust! While the captain was running errands to collect provisions, I was working on the training. I put the pups on their leashes and walked them bow to stern about a million times, stopping at the potty mat each time and commanding them to "potty." After 2.5 hours of this, I finally gave up and took them for a walk. They both did their business about 20 feet from the boat. The Seadogs definitely won that battle!

Potty Experiment Redesign - Potty Training Continues

Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018

We had great friends from Köln visiting Stralsund, so we invited them for dinner on Seefalke. The mechanics were off for the weekend, so I spent most of the day cleaning and organizing so that the saloon would be somewhat presentable for our guests. 

Meanwhile, the captain was bringing more supplies while we still had the rental car. But he also decided to start a massive DIY project. Since the Seadogs were virtually uninterested in the patch of fake grass, he went to the home store and got some wood, dirt, grass seedlings, and fertilizer. He is convinced that the dogs need REAL GRASS on board for the potty training. I was skeptical, but willing to try anything!

We had a lovely dinner with our friends. We cooked a pasta dish, and it was cool to have friends on board, even though we also decided to delay our Sunday departure since the wind generator could not be installed until Monday. 

Cap'n Jack began to develop a little cough, but again, we referred to our own FIRST AID FOR DOGS AT SEA video, and found just the right antibiotic in our Doggie First Aid Kit.

Moving the Boat to Old Town Harbor

Sunday, Aug. 12, 2018

We loaded Seefalke with all the equipment, and frankly, I'm trying to understand where all this stuff is going to go after all my organizing down below! But we are not "Bikini and Martini" sailors and that we are equipping this ship for blue water sailing. 

We set out for the old town harbor, which is only a couple miles away from our mooring so we simply motored there. It was nice to be moving for a change. Cap'n Jack and Scout loved it, even though we had them securely tethered to the boat. We stopped to fill the fuel tanks, then waited for the bridge. 

The purpose of moving the boat is because we needed a platform on which to install the wind generator. We moored stern-to-stern with Mamalu, a gorgeous ship owned by our friends at Strelasund YachtCharter. The mechanics will install the device onto our stern while standing on the bathing platform of Mamalu's stern.

Installing the Wind Generator

Monday, Aug. 13, 2018

The move has required a bit of adjustment for the Seadogs. We left a very private mooring for a spot right in the middle of Stralsund's busy old town. There are a lot of people and activity, which is distracting for them, especially since they have become the built-in alarm system for our boat. They have declared this their home, and they want to protect it.

Construction began on the installation of the wind generator, but it didn't get finished. There was a problem with the mast that will hold the generator, so that now has to be repaired before we can install the device and depart. Another delay. UGH! But we definitely want the ship to be safe and fit.  

I used the time to go into the city center and get a few more items on our list. We needed seasickness medicine, allergy medicine, a few small items, and I realized I needed some sneakers with better tread. I was sliding all over the deck. I found some cheap Sketchers, so I'm all set now.

Watch the video for highlights of how to sail with a dog

We Have Water! And the Potty Experiment Update

Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018

We got the water tank filled and now have running water in the sink of the galley. We can now actually wash dishes with water from the tank rather than bottled water. Sometimes it's the little things that can make you so happy! This water is also drinkable, by the way.

The captain continued to work on his potty project. The seedlings were not growing so we decided to borrow some grass and do a little transplant. Still not much progress on that end, but we are hoping this will work. The good news is the pups don't want to potty on the boat. The bad news is the pups don't want to potty on the boat. 

One thing is certain, our little "garden" is getting a lot of attention in the marina. People walk by and ask us if we are growing vegetables or herbs. Haha! Then they see the dogs and immediately understand. Fingers still crossed on this one! 

Meanwhile, we had our cockpit tarpaulin repaired by a local sail maker and this was re-installed. We also received our manufacturer approval of the inspection of our two life rafts, so those are also safely onboard.

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Everything you need to know about living on a sailboat with a dog