HOW TO SPEAK LIKE A SAILOR - 1500 Nautical Terms Every Mariner Should Know

HOW TO SPEAK LIKE A SAILOR - 1500 Nautical Terms Every Mariner Should Know
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If you want to learn to sail, the first step is to learn the language.
Sailors communicate in a special way that can seem daunting for beginners. This book includes the Top 10 Nautical Terms every sailor should know and the most common Rules of Engagement. Most important, the simple definitions of more than 1,500 nautical terms are included so that you can begin to get your sea legs and speak like a sailor right now!
Nautical terms stand in a proud tradition and you won’t find a more comprehensive collection of definitions anywhere. Sailing lingo is often practical and will definitely add to your self confidence once these nautical terms become part of you own repertoire. This book will help you learn to talk like a sailor - but don't forget that it takes more than words to run a boat.