Water Quality Operators Compete in Annual Hands-On Skills Challenge

Water Quality Operators Compete in Annual Hands-On Skills Challenge

Water quality operators are challenged and celebrated in an annual hands-on skills competition, as the all-star USA team won Gold in the IFAT international Operations Challenge in Munich, Germany in 2016. WEF and its global network of members and member associations provide water quality professionals around the world with the latest in water quality education, training, and business opportunities.

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Manufacturing Companies Make a Difference During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Manufacturing Companies Make a Difference During the Coronavirus Pandemic

If you think all huge industry giants are thinking about is the almighty dollar during this worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, think again. Throughout the world, big industry is doing big things to make a difference during the COVID-19 crisis. Some companies are keeping hourly workers on the payroll while others are reimbursing employees who show receipts of coffee or food purchased from locally-owned small businesses. Some corporations are establishing paid sick leave programs for employees who choose to take a two-week quarantine.

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Deep Tunnel Super Pumps Pushed to the Edge in London's Lee Tunnel

Deep Tunnel Super Pumps Pushed to the Edge in London's Lee Tunnel

The problem is big. An average of 39 million tons of sewage flow each year from the 35 most polluted combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in London—currently part of a 150-year-old Victorian network that can no longer accommodate the excess sewage and rainwater. The challenges to solve the problem are even bigger—a pump station buried 85 meters below the surface in a shaft 32 meters in diameter. At the heart of the solution are big pumps—54-ton Super Pumps specifically created by KSB to operate within a complex, carefully-engineered pumping system.


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